11 Signs You’re Not Healthy (Even If You Think You Are)

Small modifications might prompt you to become aware of possible issues. If we ignore the whispers that our bodies are sending us, they will begin to shout. Often, trivial indicators are just that.

They only become significant when they last or when they coexist with other symptoms. Consult a physician if such is the case.

What signs does your body give off when it whispers?


We’ve all felt – and dreaded – the after-meal bloat. Maybe you wolfed your food down a little too fast. Bloat is the accumulation of gas in the digestive tract, and, if these symptoms become chronic, may indicate an underlying health problem.

You’re tired all the time

Whether you get five or nine hours sleep, the lethargia is real. Fatigue is often a symptom of other problems and vitamins might not be enough to put more pep in your step.

Hooded eyelids

They may look sultry, but have them checked — the cause could be more than aging or a family trait. If they droop so much that your sight is impaired, this is the one time you can have an eye-lift on your insurance.

Chicken Skin

Chicken skin, or ketosis pilaris, which is caused by too much keratin, is very common — lots of people get these little bumps on the backs of their arms and thighs.

Keratin, which protects skin from infections and other harmful things, can build up and form plugs that block hair-follicle openings and cause small bumps.

Your urine is dark yellow

If there is a lot of yellow in the toilet, you generally aren’t getting enough fluids. Always remember that alcohol and caffeinated drinks dehydrate you rather than hydrate you, and that sodas are loaded with chemicals. Instead, drink water, herbal or green tea, coconut water, or green juice.

You snore consistently

If you’re asleep and it sounds like there’s a 747 taking off from your bedroom, a visit to a sleep clinic may be just what the doctor ordered to make sure you don’t suffer from sleep apnea or have a deviated septum.


Regular bowel movements (BMs) are critical to overall health. The proper range for BMs is three per day to three per week (dependent on diet, physical makeup, exercise habits, etc.) Having to push or strain to move your bowels could be a warning sign.

You’re gassy

Whatever end the noises are coming from could be having issues with your digestion. From allergies and sensitives, IBS or something more severe like celiac disease or Crohn’s or colitis.

Cracked Lips

Cracked, chapped lips are often just a product of cold winter air. But cracks at the corners of your mouth can be caused by low levels of zinc or B vitamins.


As it turns out, how our nails look can reveal a lot about our health. Nails are an extension of the skin and require plenty of nutrients to stay healthy. Nails that look off-color (especially yellow) or brittle warrant a closer look.

Love handles

Although it may be tempting to ignore your stomach, a chubby middle triples your chance of dementia and increases your vulnerability to diabetes and heart disease.


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