Ladies are always being encouraged to go for the well-woman exam. Indeed, most of the best private doctor clinics spend quite a lot of time on these exams. Yet there are women who lack awareness about this exam, and the purpose it serves. In this article, you will find information on what exactly the well-woman exam is, what it entails, and its importance.
What exactly is the well-woman exam?
The well-woman exam is best described as a general health checkup. It particularly focuses on gynaecological and breast diseases. It happens within the context of preventive (rather than curative) medical care. Thus it is aimed at stopping disease processes before they begin being serious. It is essential for women of all ages.
What does a well-woman exam entail?
At its core, the well-woman exam entails a couple of things:
- A conversation with the healthcare provider
- Various tests for physical well-being
Thus while going for a well woman checkappointment, you should expect to spend a bit of time talking about your state of health. The issues that may come up in the course of that discussion are likely to include:
- Contraceptives usage
- Screening for blood pressure (as well as cholesterol)
- Counseling on pregnancy
- Matters related to menopause
- Screening for STIs
- Matters related to diet and nutrition
Of course, the specific issues that come up will vary, depending on the woman who is undergoing the examination. Take the case of a woman who is in her reproductive time. There, it is things like contraceptive usage and pregnancy counseling that may take the center stage. Take another case of an older woman. Here, it is issues like menopause-related matters as well as blood pressure and cholesterol screening that may come to the fore.
Which major things happen in the course of the well-woman exam?
There are two key things that will usually happen in the course of the well-woman exam:
- The medical practitioner will ask you questions about your state of health and medical history, your family’s medical history (You can also ask them questions about any issues that are causing you concern).
- The medical practitioner will carry out some physical checks.
Thus the well-woman exam is really nothing to be anxious about. Nonetheless, some women may feel that having a partner or friend around would make the experience more comfortable. That is also allowed.
What tests are carried out during the well-woman exam?
While the specific tests may vary from clinic to clinic (and from woman to woman), they typically include:
● Standard check for vital signs
This is essential if you haven’t been to a doctor in the last 6-12 months. The vitals that are taken here include your weight, blood pressure, and heart rate. The BMI (Body Mass Index) is also checked.
● Pelvic exam (with or without speculum)
In the pelvic exam, there are 3 major components. The first is the bimanual exam component, which focuses on internal genitalia. Second is the speculum exam component. And third is the pap smear.
Not all the 3 components are carried out on every woman. The specific tests to be carried out will depend on factors like your age and your general state of health. Your medical history is also relevant here.
The objective of the pelvic exam is to detect things like lumps or bumps that are abnormal, as well as bleeding that is not normal. Abnormal discharges are also detected in this exam. This exam is required for women in their menopause and for women who are thinking of family planning.
● Examination of the breast
What the medical practitioner does here is palpate the breast carefully. In so doing, they try to detect any lumps, changes in the skin, or any type of abnormal discharge. These can be indicative of cancer, hence the importance of the breast exam. Do note, however, that not all ladies who go for well-woman exams are put through the breast exam. Also, it is nothing to worry about. It causes no pain and is a brief typically 5 minutes affair.
How long does the entire well-woman exam take?
As noted earlier, there is a part of the well-woman exam that involves having a conversation with the doctor. Then there is the other part of it that entails undergoing a physical check. Now the later part (of being checked physically) usually takes 10 to 15 minutes at most. Before and after it is of course the conversation/questions part, which takes a few more minutes.
All in all, the best private doctors London clinics can get you done with the well-woman exam in less than an hour.
What does one need to do while preparing for the well-woman exam?
The well-woman exam does not really require any sort of special preparation.
If you do have questions or concerns that you need to ask during the exam, you can prepare a list of the same. Then remember to carry that list with you.
Further, for some tests, a urine sample may be needed. If the clinic you will be undergoing the test requires this, you will be informed in advance.
Notably, one of the questions that may come up during the ‘conversation’ part of the exam is about any medications you are taking. Thus it helps if you make a list of any medicine you are currently taking. Then carry it with you.
Is well-woman exam really necessary?
Through the well-woman exam, you can forestall many major health problems. Thus the exam is really important with regard to protecting your health. If you still have questions regarding the necessity of the exam for you, calling the clinic and putting those concerns across can help.
When you go for the well-woman exam itself, be sure to raise as many questions as you have. Through these, the doctor may be able to identify specific screenings that are necessary for you. And note that the exam focuses on your general well-being, not just on gynaecological issues. Thus any medical concerns you happen to have are worth bringing up.
Would you like to schedule a well woman check appointment in London? Our Private GP London clinic offers help in this regard.