What Should You Know About Dental Bonding?

Are you satisfied with your smile? Do you feel your friends’ smiles are better than yours? Well, not all of you are born with a Hollywood-like smile. Even if you don’t have a great smile, you can get it any day. Yes, you heard it right.

Gone are the days when you had to mourn about your smile and sit with a long face. Now, with the help of modern science and technology, the dental industry has embraced several new techniques and cosmetic dentistry procedures. The purpose of these cosmetic dentistry procedures is to rectify the flaws in your oral and dental health and enhance your smile. Likewise, composite bonding in London is a cosmetic dental procedure that repairs your dental issues and gifts you a wonderful smile.

Indeed, several dental organizations and clinics conduct composite bonding treatment. You must be wondering why we recommend you reach out to the dentists and dental clinics in London. You can get quality service and affordable dental service rates both in London. Besides, the dentists here are skilled and experienced in handling dental cases.

To know more about dental bonding, read the blog till the end.

What is composite dental bonding?

Dental bonding or composite dental bonding is a cosmetic dental procedure to enhance your smile. The only purpose of composite dental bonding is to improve the way you smile. After all, your smile is the only thing that people notice about you initially. In addition, your smile largely impacts your personality. So, if you belong to the corporate industry or are going to be a bride soon, the composite dental bonding treatment is suitable for you.

In this dental treatment, the dentist uses a resin or a durable plastic material of the color of your teeth to improve your smile. In this pursuit, if the dentist notices any abnormality or dental disorder in your teeth, he will first eliminate that problem and then move on to the composite dental bonding treatment. Suppose, you have a tooth gap. The dentist will first fix this tooth gap with a dental implant and then move on to using the resin on the surface of your teeth.

In short, composite dental bonding is not just about making your teeth whiter and brighter. Instead, it corrects all the flaws in your oral health and enhances your smile at the same time. Wondering where you should undergo a composite dental bonding treatment? When you have Smile Works Dental Clinic by your side, you know you are secure.

What is the process of dental bonding?

Since cosmetic dental procedures are new to the dental industry, many of you may not be aware of their processes. Keeping this lack of knowledge about the dental processes in mind, here is the complete teeth bonding procedure.

Before getting into the steps involved in a dental bonding process, this is how dentists prep you. Right on the day you reach out to a dentist to undergo a composite dental procedure, the dentist will discuss with you the kind of improvement you are looking forward to. Here, make sure to discuss everything regarding the enhancements you want and solve all doubts.

To undergo any cosmetic dental treatment, it is necessary to find out if your teeth and gums are in healthy condition. For this, you will have to undergo an x-ray of your teeth and gums. In case the dentist finds any tooth decay or related other gum diseases, he will treat it first and then move on with the composite dental bonding process.

Now, let’s focus on the dental composite bonding process. To prepare for the dental bonding process, sometimes the dentist uses local anesthesia to numb the area. Does everyone need to undergo anesthesia? No. you need local anesthesia only if:

  • You have tooth decay
  • You want to change the shape of your teeth
  • Your teeth have a chip or a crack

Next, the dentist uses a shade card to choose the perfect color of the composite resin. Here, the idea is to pick a resin that has a similar color to that of your teeth. After all, you do not want people to understand your dental cosmetic procedure from the outside.

Here begins the real bonding process. First, the dentist will use a tool to make the surface of the teeth rough. Here, the dentist uses a conditioning liquid to enhance the bonding process. Next, the dentist will apply the resin on the surface of your teeth. With the help of a tool, the dentist will mold the resin, smoothen it and give it the desired shape. To secure the resin, the dentist will use a UV laser light to harden the resin.

Once the resin becomes hard and sticks to the surface of your teeth, the dentist will further trim, polish, and shape the edges to give your teeth a chic look. The process of dental composite bonding will take around 30 minutes to an hour for one tooth. However, this tenure depends on the condition of your teeth.

What are the pros and cons of dental bonding?

The kind of benefits that dental composite bonding offers are irresistible. So, if you are still in a dilemma as to whether you should go ahead with the dental bonding process, here are the pros:

  • Cost-effective process
  • Convenient and fast process
  • Cost-effective
  • Minimal and invasive

However, everything has some downsides as well. Some of the cons of the dental bonding process Include:

  • The dental bonding does not prevent stains. So, you can see some tooth discoloration after some time.
  • Dental bonding is not a long-lasting treatment. The resin will fade with regular wear and tear. 
  • The bonding material can chip or crack at any time, especially if you eating anything hard like nuts.

However, for small adjustments in your teeth, you can go ahead with the dental bonding treatment.


Once you get your teeth bonded, make sure to follow good oral hygiene. Brushing and flossing regularly can change your entire dental look. If you are interested in undergoing a dental bonding procedure, the Smile Works Dental Clinic is awaiting your arrival. The dentists here are experienced, certified, and skilled enough to understand your requirement and fulfill it. 

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