Covid-19 and the Drugs Which Are Said To Be Effective For Coronavirus

About 6.8 million people are infected with coronavirus, and more than 3, 90000 corona patients have died. But 3.3 million people have recovered from this deadly virus. Scientists and researchers are still working day and night to discover effective treatments for full elimination of infection so that regular life charms can be brought back. But there are no conventional drugs launched by the World Health Organization (WHO) for prolonging treatment of the virus. 

The research work for finding effective treatments of infection. 

There are about 150 medicinal treatments that are under trials for treating this illness. Most of them are common drugs which are researched by scientists.

The solidarity trail movement has been officially launched by the World Health Organization to find out the most effective cure for the virus. 

The United Kingdom has proposed that its trail movement is the most significant as about 5000 patients have taken part in this recovery trial. 

Other treatments of assessing the recovered patient’s blood for treating the illness is also under trails in many world-famous research institutes across the globe. 

Kinds of drugs that can be proved effective

Three main strategies are being researched as per nursing dissertation writing service.

  • The drugs comprise antiviral drugs which can destroy the stability of the virus to reside inside the human body. 
  • The drugs that can boost and comfy our immune system as when a person is affected, the immune system starts to overact against the virus. There is a problem that the immune system can kill its body cells rather than destroying the viral cells. 
  • The antibodies that can be taken from recovered person blood to combat the virus or can be prepared in the lab to battle the viral infection. 

Which drug is called as the most favourable coronavirus drug?

The remdesivir the drug was proved efficient to cure Ebola virus now has been used as a remedy for the patients of coronavirus by China.

The NIAID (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease) of the United States has shown that the drug remdesivir has shortened the duration of symptoms of virus form 15 days to 11 days in trailed patients. This trail was made on 1063 people from various hospitals in the entire world. Most of them were inoculated with the drugs, and some were treated with placebo therapy.

The chief of NIAID Dr Anthony Fauci has said that the remdesivir is found effective in decreasing the recovery time of infected persons by some degree as it has been trailed on more than 1000 persons at hospitals around the globe. But remdesivir is called to decrease recovery duration, and it could be helpful for people who are under intensive care units due to critical conditions. The trials have not given any reliable final results that can be regarded as promising for controlling the death rate due to illness.

It is assumed that the antiviral drugs might be proved proficient in initial stages of virus attack and later the immune-boosting drugs can take responsibilities to reduce the recovery time. NHS has facilitated with medicines by the Government of the United Kingdom as Health Secretary Matt Hancock has encouraged it as the most active step taken by officials since the virus is started prevailing in the country. UK researchers have assured its proficiency by ensuring enough evidences for the use of the drug on a large scale. The drug is a part of four drugs prescribed by WHO in its Solidarity trial and its official makers, Gilead, is also targeting for more accurate trails.

The United States had issued the research data on the efficacy of drug at the same time when China proved the usefulness of the drug for coronavirus. But the Lancet medical journal has shown the opposite side by calling it unsuccessful in changing any recovery time. The trail was not completed in China because the coronavirus was not threatening as lockdown was imposed on Wuhan. It is now under trial in other countries where coronavirus is spreading and causing the many infections.

 What is the current strategy of doctors to treat coronavirus patients?

The treatment is according to conditions of patients if a person has mild symptoms, then it would be treated with isolation and drugs that can boost the immunity of the patient.

However, the person who is in critical conditions are taken to ventilation rooms as their lungs become useless due attack of the virus. They are given oxygen supply to survive while they are under severe care units.

The role of Immune drugs

Immune system can exaggerate due to viral attack, and it can cause inflammation throughout the lungs and other cells of the body. The immune system is then given immune drugs which can calm it and can boost immunity as well, but in moderate quantities otherwise, it might harm the other cells can be proved harmful for our immune system. Interferon-beta, which is medicine for the cure of multiple sclerosis, and it reduces the inflammation of the body. Interferons are collections of chemical-free by body when a virus enters the human body. The WHO solidarity trial is researching the proper amounts of this immune drug to use for reducing the inflammation and curing the coronavirus at the later phase of the disease. The United Kingdom is focusing on a steroid Dexamethasone as it is part of their recovery trail. It is also said to be used for lowering the inflammation of the human body.

Blood Plasma therapy

Patients that have survived a viral attack contain antibodies which can conflict against the viral disease with full potential. The antibodies of survived patients are extracted to inoculate in infected patients. The idea is related to blood plasma therapy which has been proved effective in the past. The United States have cured 500 people by the specialised convalescent plasm therapy, and other countries are also eyeing to adopt the strategy for their primary goals of treating infected patients. The plasma therapy is still under trail s it has not been approved globally to carry out for treatment of coronavirus.

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