Hair Loss and Diabetes, How are they Related?

When you struggle with hair loss, the first thing that you do is try to figure out how to put a full stop to it. You can have a healthy diet, you can follow a strict hair care routine, and you can use the best hair care products for the prevention of hair loss. But, what you cannot do is stop unwanted circumstances. Yes, there are a few circumstances where you have to struggle with hair fall because of uncontrolled conditions. Diabetes is one such uncontrolled condition that can lead to hair fall. This read will help you understand how diabetes and hair loss are related in a better way, just like a hair restoration specialist would explain to you.

How diabetes and hair loss are related?

Your blood sugar levels are affected by this chronic disease, called diabetes. Consequently, the entire system of the body is affected when your blood sugar level isn’t normal. When a person struggles with diabetes, his blood vessels are damaged followed by less supply of nutrients and less supply of oxygen. This disease is the reason behind several side effects. Hair fragility, hair thinning, and hair loss are a few of them. Diabetes and hair fall are so related that doctors suggest checking your sugar levels if you are noticing unexpected hair fall. Hair follicles need an adequate supply of oxygen and nutrients in order to grow and be healthy. Diabetes can hamper good health as it blocks the adequate supply of oxygen and nutrients. Thus, this is very true to say that diabetes can create a need for you to see a hair restoration specialist.

Diabetes and stress

There is no doubt that diabetes causes physiological stress. But, not everyone knows that diabetes is also home to psychological stress. When you struggle with such a disease, you are not only refrained from consuming sweets and sugar, but you will also have to be on medication, in some cases on insulin injections too, and follow a rigorous health care regime. Such circumstances will evidently create stress and raise anxiety and will affect your mental health. It is not something new to mention that stress is an invitation to ample diseases, hair fall being one. Health specialists believe that the best treatment available for diabetes is treating or detecting it well on time. So, whenever you encounter unexpected hair fall, then do check for diabetes in order to stop further hair fall and other ailments followed by diabetes.

How does the medication for diabetes cause hair fall?

Hair restoration specialist believes that the medication prescribed for diabetes is also the reason for hair loss and the further progression of baldness. Metformin and other tablets containing similar salts are commonly prescribed medicine for diabetes. But, unfortunately, a study in 2013 reflected that in case you are consuming this tablet for long, then your body will run short of vitamin B12 which will eventually cause hair fall and raises a need to see a hair restoration specialist. Here few people also experienced that this side effect is a temporary one. Your body tends to adjust to the medication in time and the seen side effects are reversed.

Hair restoration in case of hair loss due to diabetes

If in case your diabetes has resulted in permanent and severe hair fall, then you can always receive a hair restoration service. Not in every case, the side effect of hair fall is temporary and irreversible. But, it doesn’t have to end this way. People can seek a hair transplant procedure and receive a complete transformation.

From the above facts and findings, we can draw the conclusion that diabetes is often followed by hair loss. Thus, you must see a doctor if you are noticing severe hair fall. However, hair fall can be because of diabetes medication too. Chances are there that your body’s autoimmune system reverses it and adjusts the body accordingly. Thus, do not jump to see a hair restoration specialist in case of immediate hair fall. Wait for a few months and if the effects are not reversed, then consider a hair transplant procedure.


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