Heart disease or heart attack is known to be the number one cause of natural deaths around the world. This means that each year more people die of heart attacks compared to any other issues. Most people can joke that your favorite burger is more likely to kill you than your favorite drug, but it is a harsh reality that cannot be denied.
Where previously heart issues were diagnosed in people falling in the 50’s category, now thanks to processed food and junk diet, people in their late 20s and early 30s are also showing signs and symptoms of early onset of heart disease.
This means that even if they are not diagnosed with heart issues right now there is a high chance that within a few years, they will be diagnosed with heart issues. According to a recent study by the American health association, experts are now pushing people to take more preventive medications so the symptoms can be pushed further to the 40s.
However, the issue is so alarming because young people are spending more on their health as compared to getting financially stable.
According to cardiac health experts if young adults can cut some fat from their food and bring their food portion to half they will be able to reduce the risk of getting heart disease to almost 75%. Moreover, if they start working out more and their physical activity ratio gets higher, they will be able to help them reduce the chances of getting a heart attack by 50%.
In short, cutting the diet and working out will help you reduce the chance to just 25%. With all these changes the focus is more on lifestyle change and enhancing the quality of life rather than cutting fats and carbs completely from the diet.
However, workouts can be very demanding and boring which means that most people will start working out but will soon get demotivated and leave. This is the reason experts are pushing people towards a more health-friendly workout that is engaging and fun as well.
Within this write up we will mainly address why martial arts is known for fighting heart issues. We will also know about the benefits of martial arts and why it is replacing gym-based workouts worldwide.
How Martial Arts Help You Fight Heart Disease?
Martial arts is intense training that is progressive and helps your body work better. When you start working out, you will realize that martial arts is much more intense and you are burning more calories. The basic anatomy is that when you work out, you end up burning calories, and the stored fat is usually used for fueling the body.
When you invest in the workout, this stored fat is used as currency. Since martial arts is more intense you will not only be using the fat stored under the skin but also the aft that is getting deposited in the arteries and veins due to the rise in the blood fat. Experts have shown evidence that people who practice martial arts are not only fit and have good BMI but they also have a good level of blood sugar and blood cholesterol.
On the contrary, people who do not work out or have gym-based lengthy workouts might look better but they do not have good enough endurance and their body is not capable of handling the intense rises in sugar and cholesterol levels.

Physical Health Benefits of Martial Arts
Martial arts have so many different mental health and physical health-related benefits. Some of these benefits include:
· Martial arts is a great cardio so it helps in reducing the fat content from the body and boosting heart health
· T is very good for maintaining BMI and weight loss
· It helps in improving the reflex of the body
· Martial arts help in mobility and effortless movement’
· It also helps in improving the bone density
· It is very good for body flexibility
· Martial arts help with controlling blood pressure, blood sugar level as well as blood cholesterol level
Why Martial Arts Is Replacing Gym-Based Workouts Worldwide?
Martial arts offer nearly the same benefits as any other workout. Also, the workouts used in martial arts are much more intense yet they are functional so you will get to use them in real life as well. People generally find gym-based workouts repetitive and intense so they try to switch to workouts that are much more fun and easy.
Martial arts is a great option in this regard because not only it has so many different benefits but it is surely one of the most intense workouts that are fun and engaging. Overall, with simple adjustments here are there, you will get to use martial arts for safety while making sure you stay in shape.
Experts believe that a 45-minute martial arts session is good enough to burn more than 500 calories. On the contrary, the same amount of running or any other gym-based workout will burn up to 350-400 calories only.
Why More Actors Are Getting Involved In Martial Arts?
You might have come across some of the most famous actors ensuring different martial arts. Some are actively seen practicing martial arts while others are just into martial arts as a gem supporting the players. Some of the most common names within the industry include famous models like Gigi Hadid and Kendal Jenner. While actors like Ashton Kutcher and Armie Hammer have also been seen practicing martial arts.
The basic idea is that martial arts are a very fun game that offers you the thrill of experiencing more than just a simple workout. Since it has so many different benefits, it is skill-based training and helps you stay healthy as well, more people will try to get involved in the workout.
This is the reason you will see actors and other people endorsing martial arts styles as a replacement for boring and repetitive gym-based workouts. Also, with safety issues and harassment cases on the rise, more actors are getting enrolled in martial arts classes because of safety reasons. Moreover, they are also encouraging more people to take martial arts classes for better health and safety.

Bottom Line
To sum it all up, martial arts offer just the same benefits as some of the most intense workouts yet it is so much fun and engaging that people prefer learning a good skill over repetitive and boring exercises. Usually, young people who have low concentration levels find it hard to follow a boring routine and since martial arts is a skill-based workout that can help with safety, this is definitely a good pick for them. Also, learning martial arts have always been in fashion and movies, actors and social media celebrities are a great influence in this regard as well because they are pushing people to focus on health and safety at the same time.