Important Facts About Yoga for PCOS

Yoga puts a deeper and subtler effect on your mental and physical body. Therefore, it can reduce all kinds of stress sored deeply which helps to improve symptoms of PCOS.

Specific yoga for PCOS helps to open up your pelvic area and provide relaxation. On top of that, breathing exercise or pranayama helps to calm your nerves.

Not only the mental aspect, but yoga also helps the PCOS patient’s physical body. So, here we are going to discuss the Advantages and yoga poses for Of Yoga for PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome)

Advantages Of Yoga For Polycystic Ovary Syndrome:

Each PCOS patient faces different kinds of problems because it is a heterogeneous disorder. Yoga is a holistic process that benefits the body and mind simultaneously and it helps to cure your PCOS.
So, here we are going to discuss the advantages of yoga for PCOS:

Control Testosterone Levels

According to recent studies and research, practicing yoga regularly helps you manage all problems related to PCOS. So, a proper yoga class teaches you the proper posture of yoga, the technique of breathing, and knowledge of how it helps your PCOS. You must practice this at least three times per week and continue it for three months to get the best result.

So, after three months you can test and will surely get low adiponectin levels which regulate glucose and lipid metabolism and dehydroepiandrosterone, and free testosterone levels. You will surely get lower scores on your depression and anxiety levels.

Reduce Stress and Anxiety
Yoga regulates all activities of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems and lower levels of cortisol. Therefore, it helps to reduce anxiety and stress. It also helps to reduce the level of C-reactive protein and other inflammatory markers.

The brain increases the cortisol stress level and activates the HAP (hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal) axis during exposure to stress. So, Yoga improves the function of the HPA axis and reverses all detrimental effects and symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress.

Regulates Menstrual Cycle And Hormones
Practicing yoga regularly in a proper manner will regulate menstrual cycles and hormones. So, it lowers your Anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH), luteinizing hormone, and testosterone. Therefore, it causes improvement in your body hair, skin, emotional state, and menstrual problems.

Improves Metabolism
Regular proper practice of yoga improves insulin resistance and the value of insulin, glucose, lipid, and other metabolic markers. In addition, it also helps to maintain a standard body and mass ratio. So, it helps to improve insulin and cholesterol levels in PCOS patients. According to studies, yoga is more effective than regular exercise to improve your metabolism.

Yoga Poses To Improve Polycystic Ovary Syndrome:

Setu Bandhasana and Bridge Posture:

This pose reduces tension and stress in the back muscles by calming your brain. So, it is very helpful for women with PCOS. So, here we are going to find out the procedure of this yoga for PCOS:
● Lay on the back and fold your knees and put your feet apart from the hip-distance on the ground.
● Put your both palm and hands down on both sides of your body.
● Lift your upper, lower and mid back slowly and inhale properly while doing that. So, make a proper distance between the sternum and pelvis while lifting your pelvis.
● Bring your chest towards your chin by rolling up both shoulders gently.
● Gently press four each corner of the feet on the ground and put your thigh parallelly to the ground and each other.
● Stay in this pose for a minimum of one to two minutes and breathe slowly and easily.
● Repeat this at least five times.

Janusirsana Head-to-Knee Pose:

This pose is highly beneficial for PCOS patients. So, let’s find out the procedure of this yoga for PCOS:
● Put a yoga mat on the floor and Sit-down on it.
● Flex your foot, put your toes towards the sky and down on your heel’s back, and stretch your legs to both corners of the mat. Then, bend your right knee and tuck the foot on your groin area comfortably.
● Inhale and exhale deeply and move your upper body carefully toward your left foot by extending both arms over your legs. Then slowly bring the right arm over the head in an arc pose while doing this. So, stretch both sides of your rib cage towards the sky to create good resistance.
● Feel the hip opener/shoulder, the torso’s twist, movement of ovaries, kidneys, and internal organs with every deep breath, and massage your sacroiliac joint gently.
● Practice this at least 10 times on each side.

Bound Angle Or Butterfly Or Supta Baddhakonasana:

The butterfly pose supports the back body and spine. So, it releases tension from your chest, shoulders, hips, and the heart’s opening. Now, let’s find out the procedure for this yoga for PCOS:
● Sit on the floor or mat and extend your leg in front.
● Press your soles together by putting the heels to the body and bending the knees. So, the knees will automatically drop to both sides.
● Continue leaning backward until the back touches the ground. So, up your palms and support and open your arms.
● Breathe for at least four minutes deeply with your eyes closed.
● End the pose gently.


Now you can see the daily practice of yoga is highly beneficial for the mental and physical health of women with PCOS. So, if you are having PCOS-related problems then practice the above-mentioned exercise with the help of a yoga expert.



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