Healthy Fruits For Children

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which fruits are most nutritious for kids, easy for kids to eat, and most likely to actually eat.


The fruits are full of vitamins, minerals and fats and they taste good!


Best fruit for kids

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Fresh banana is a simple snack that can be picked up or eaten at home. Half of the bananas are less likely to be eaten.

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Citrus is great for boosting immunity with vitamin C and combining water into a baby’s diet with its high water content.

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Kiwi, that comes in a very classic inexperienced colour and maybe a lightweight yellow selection, maybe a great way to serve vitamin C and fibre.

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Avocado is a fruit and SO good for babies and babies because of the healthy fats present in it. You can serve as authentic by deciding, cutting or massaging it.

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Planting fresh seeds of pomegranates is very fun and often very entertaining for kids. To get the kids light seeds in a bowl, buy a whole pomegranate, cut it in half and tap it with a spoon on the back of each side.

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Fresh watermelon, dressed, chopped or served in wedges, is a summer ideal for kids. It is high in water so it is good for children who do not like to drink water and it is full of antioxidants and vitamins.

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“An apple a day keeps the Doctor away” right!  Raw apples can be a dangerous threat by the age of 4, but if you want to serve them first and choose soft varieties like cheeks when possible, use your consideration.

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Use the list below for ideas on how to serve raw baby fruit and how to cook my favourite fruit dish.