What are the Symptoms of Heart Palpitations?

Sometimes we experience heartburn while running, climbing stairs, or other serious issues. In these situations heart palpitations are natural. It is not necessary that you would have a weak heart or cardiac issues. Heart diseases may occur at any time and at any situation. Heart attacks or strokes are the first warning sign that we often overlook. 

People may think, stroke and heart attacks result in death. No, sometimes severe stroke results in nerve problems and paralysis. Therefore, you have to remember the symptoms. There are other signs of heart diseases as follows:

  1. Chest Pressure or Chest Pain (Angina)

Chest pressure or pain is the two things that come to mind when you talk about heart attack. These signs should not be ignored at any age. Pain can regularly come and go after a few minutes that is known as angina. This causes the reduction of blood flow to the heart. Angina is common but varies from person to person. Chest pressure is not only the reason for discomfort, but it can also result in lungs or respiratory issues. Here are a few examples:

  • Indigestion, heartburn, numbness, and chest tightness are the unusual feelings that you may face.
  • Chest discomfort doesn’t stop, and you may observe pain and numbness in arms, jaw, neck, and back.
  • Men have chest pressure, whereas women have sharp chest pain as per research.
  • You may feel breathlessness and dizziness due to the chest pressure.
  • Short Breathing without Exertion

The shortness of breathing is known as Dyspnea which is often overlooked. The shortness of breath can occur in women. It may occur due to heat, stress, and other diseases. Normal breathing helps a person live and breathe naturally. But, you have to understand why the exertion is taking place. The shortness of breathing can result in the following:

  • Chest tightness
  • Cough
  • Winded feel with regular activities
  • Breathlessness
  • Unable to catch breath while doing any activity

These signs may result in serious cardiovascular diseases such as Arrhythmia that is related to breathing issues.

  • Heart Flutters and Skipped Heartbeats – Patterns of Heart Palpitations

You may observe flickering and missed heartbeats in your chest. This has a sudden racing feeling of palpitations. The patterns of heart palpitations are based on the common issues related to the natural conditions. Slow heartbeat and other issues may result in the functionalities of flutters related to heart palpitations

When you face heart palpitations, you may be more aware of the heartbeat than usual. These are some sensations that are not painful. You will experience a pounding sensation from a slow heartbeat. Your chest might feel heavy due to the heartbeat. Not only unnatural but the healthy heart also gets affected with this problem sometimes.  

  • Weakness, Fatigue, and Tiredness

Stress, work pressure, and not enough sleep are the reasons for fatigue and tiredness to your health. You should not ignore these problems because they can be alarming later. 

When you are constantly tired, and you have lost energy, this is the sign of fatigue. In this situation, you must ask some questions such as:

  • Are you not doing workouts?
  • Are you losing energy and tired? 
  • Swelling on Ankles, Feet, and Legs

Buildup of fluid in your body may result in swelling. Usually, swelling is caused due to various conditions such as insect bites, tightness in the injured area, itchy bumps, and other health problems. 

If you follow swelling, you should not ignore it. This problem is the reason for various issues such as heart problems and kidney problems. You need to treat the root of the problem by following various guidelines from the doctor. 

  • Lightheadedness or Dizziness

Dizziness and bad migraine can occur due to various reasons. This problem can be the sign of heart disease and high/low blood pressure. In this situation, your blood pressure may drop and it can result in lightheaded problems.

If you are facing these issues, you should connect to a good health practitioner soon who can help you with proper guidelines. You may prevent your future issues with the help of the prevention of such problems.

  • Surprisingly Weight Gain

Obesity is not the only reason for weight gain. But sometimes weight gain is the reason for heart problems also. If you are feeling bloated and experiencing breathlessness, then remember your heart is affected negatively. 

Weight gain can result in various diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes, and other issues. If you are facing such issues, then workout and a healthy diet can help in managing the problems related to weight gain. 

Common Risk of Heart Disease

Heart disease can affect you in various ways. If you are experiencing various signs and symptoms of heart disease, you may need some time to observe and understand the issues. There are certain risk factors that can result in heart trouble. Heart problems can be solved easily, if you choose the proper tips by checking the risks. Take a look at some risk factors as follows:

  • High stress level due to alcohol, smoking, hypertension, high blood pressure, etc. are the risk factors.
  • Excessive stress, wrong diet, unhealthy lifestyle, and not exercising regularly can be the reasons for heart disease.
  • Many people have hereditary problems or family history. That might be the case of developing the risk of heart problems.

Talk to Your Doctor When You are Observing the Signs

There are many conditioners related to cardiac problems. Now, you have to identify the signs and the problems. If you avoid the aforesaid issues, you may experience severe problems. Also, find a reputed heart clinic and renowned cardiologist who can understand your symptoms and save you from life-threatening problems.

You should remember, the aforesaid signs and the causes of heart disease can be alarming. If you ignore these signs, don’t change your lifestyle, and get proper treatment and care, then an expert’s help is important. Heart diseases can be the reason for stroke and other issues. Therefore, treatment on time is necessary. A reliable doctor in the London heart centre can help you with the treatment.    

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