8 Herbs That Help Balance Your Hormones

Hormones are chemical signaling agents produced by different endocrine glands for regulating our biological functions. They are complex molecules, some of them with antagonistic pairs having opposite effects.

If you constantly feel without energy, anxious or bloated, you may be dealing with hormonal imbalance. This is something that can have an impact on your overall well-being and affect your complete health.

Your body needs to be in a state of balance, much like how your hormones work. If one part of your body gets out of balance, the other parts will go out of balance as well which can lead to serious health concerns.

Hormones are an integral part of the human body and they play a big role in our health and well-being. They’re especially important when it comes to natural remedies, so rather than going straight to traditional hormone therapy why not try these foods first? Certain herbs and plants can help balance a person’s hormones, but it is important to talk to your doctor before adding them in. Depending on what other medications you may be taking, they could interact with each other and cause more harm. Before taking any herbs or plants for health purposes, make sure you consult with your doctor first.

Maca Root

This root, which is also called Peruvian ginseng, is a relative of the true ginseng plant. The two are actually very similar in general physiology and are not used interchangeably. Athletes are now using powdered Maca root to increase their stamina. The hormones balancing the effect of this root provide extra benefits like stress relief.

Maca root has plant hormones that have been scientifically proven to relieve premenstrual syndrome and menopausal symptoms. It’s a pretty impressive list benefitting women of wide range.


Ashwagandha is an herb that has a lot of health benefits. It’s said to help with sleep, cognitive functions, and sexual arousal. Improving sleep and reducing hormone symptoms can work together to significantly improve your overall health. This herb draws blood to the female organs and increase sexual drive and sensitivity. It can also help with a wide range of female ailments like hot flashes, depression, and anxiety.

Red Raspberry Leaf

The leaves of red raspberry can make a nutrient-dense tea rich in minerals and vitamins, especially vitamin C. The herb is popular for its uterine-strengthening properties. Besides being a uterine tonic, red raspberry leaf helps reduce heavy blood flow, symptoms of a painful period, prevent miscarriage and hemorrhage and increase male and female fertility.

Moreover, it is said that it decreases pain during and after labor, nausea related to pregnancy, and stimulate the production of breast milk.

Vitex/Chaste Tree Berry

All of these benefits come from the properties of this supplement. Not only does it contain vitamins and minerals for better hormone balance, but it also contains scientifically proven ingredients that aid in the creation of collagen.

Avena Sativa

Women have used oats, also known as avena sativa or “oats,” for generations as a general aphrodisiac, menstrual cramp reliever, and libido booster. It is thought to promote the physical and emotional desire for sex by increasing blood flow and stimulating the central nervous system.

Additionally, scientists think Avena Sativa releases bound testosterone, a hormone crucial for sex drive in both sexes.


When people think about herbs for hormones, oatstraw may not be the first herb that springs to mind. Oatstraw has been shown to strengthen the nervous system, relax the body, strengthen the blood, regulate moods, strengthen digestion, quiet the stomach, balance the endocrine system or those hormone-producing glands, support the skeletal system thanks to its richness of bio-available calcium, magnesium, and silica, and soothe the central nervous system.

Tribulus (Tribulus Terrestris)

This common weed growing prostrate on the ground is known as goat-head and puncture vine because of its spiny seeds. Generally regarded as an aphrodisiac, the extract of this plant is used in Indian and Chinese medicine systems to treat male reproductive problems, including low sperm count.

Rather than increasing the production of testosterone or other male sex hormones, Tribulus is thought to stimulate androgen receptors in the brain which results in better utilization of these hormones.


Suma root, a well-known aphrodisiac from the Amazon, is also known as South American Ginseng. It is frequently employed to elevate mood, arouse sexual desire, and support reproductive health. These applications have been supported by research using animal models. It raises levels of estradiol-17beta, a potent sex hormone crucial for reproductive health and hormone balance.


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