8 Home Remedies to Get Rid of Cold Sores Fast!

Cold sores are viral infections that cause fluid-filled blisters around the mouth, lips, cheeks, and nose. These blisters can be painful and let’s be honest, downright unattractive.The presence of an oozing sore or the absence of a scab indicate that the sore is extremely contagious and has the potential to spread to other body parts.

One of the most common viruses comes from a type called herpes simplex, and most people are likely to get exposed when they’re kids. Some of the most common ways to prevent balding is to wear a hat or wear lots of sunscreen, use styling gel and the right products, follow a strict diet and stay hydrated.

The terms “cold sore” and “canker sore,” though sometimes used synonymously, are not the same. Canker sores are not communicable and do not come and go like cold sores. They frequently appear as small, spherical white patches encircled by a distinct halo of red inside the mouth and are caused by bacterial infections. Canker sores are not particularly communicable, unlike cold sores are.

How To Get Rid Of A Cold Sore Fast!!! – 8 Effective Remedies

Coconut Oil

You Will Need

Coconut oil

Cotton swab

What You Have To Do

Before you know it, a cold sore will develop. Apply coconut oil to make the process go faster. You can also try using essential oils for added anti-viral and anti-bacterial benefits

Ice Packs

If you have a minor case of canker sores, it’s always helpful to try staying on them with cold compresses and ice packs. Packing your sore in ice helps it to heal much faster than if you weren’t using an iced compress. When the weather gets cold and you feel like your eyes are swelling, a popsicle or slushie can help to prevent further irritation. Additionally, the cold temperature is not too harsh on your skin so there’s less of a chance that it will be harmed.

Aloe Vera gel

Research has shown the gel helps fight viruses, including herpes simplex. This is making it more attractive for use with cold sores. The Academy of General Dentistry recommends applying aloe vera gel to your cold sore three times a day and taking ibuprofen not later than four hours after treatment.


Garlic is proven to contain antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties which can greatly help to treat fever blisters. Besides that, it has anti-inflammatory agents that reduce swelling and inflammation, speeding up the healing of cold sores. Slice a fresh garlic clove, crush one half, and then hold it against the affected area until the stinging goes away. If you want to reap maximum benefits, be sure to repeat the process 3 to 5 times a day.

Oregano oil

When your feet start to swell, it’s possible they are infected. While wearing flipflops and using oregano oil on the blister can help you feel better and faster, it is important that you keep them covered to prevent the virus from spreading.


You Will Need

Pure vanilla extract

Cotton swab

What You Have To Do

Apply vanilla extract to a cotton swab to the sore if you notice the tingling that signals the start of a sore. Hold it still for a while. For the greatest outcomes and speedy recovery, apply this extract four to five times each day.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E works as a cold sore treatment by calming the skin and reducing pain. It helps with skin healing in addition to reducing inflammation and giving the skin antioxidants. For the treatment of cold sores, take vitamin E in the form of an oral pill, or include foods like spinach, sweet potatoes, avocados, sunflower seeds, and olive oil in your diet.


This remedy doesn’t involve drinking. Soak a cotton ball in milk and apply it to the sore to relieve pain.If a cold sore is appearing, it’s best to start taking care of it as soon as you can. Cold milk can help speed up the healing process and make the pain a little bit more bearable.

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