Top 10 ways to help your child conquer Fear of the Dentist

It has been noted that children of all ages have an extreme fear of people of the medical profession and especially dentists. The reasons behind it are unknown and unrealistic but according to the children these fears are actual and true.  But parents and dentists can work together to help the child conquer the fear.

Types of Dental Fears

According to Pediatric Dentist Tulsa people belonging to every age has the fear of dentists. But with the passage of time, the adults overcome the fear but children can be difficult to reason with as they have their own logic. The most common types of dental fears that children have are;

  1. Almost all children fear dentists and orthodontists. The kids can be scared of the white coat the dentists wear. The masks cover the face making the dentists suspicious and the tools that they use look unsafe and fatal in the mind of a child.
  2. The image of a dentist that is depicted in movies, cartoons and other sources is strongly associated with people getting into trouble and pain when they go to the dentists. In the past, it was true that the dentists didn’t have the right material to ease the pain of the patients. This thinking went down through generations and children fear the pain.
  3. The mouth is the most sensitive part of the human body and people are very careful not to hurt it. The children fear that if the dentist will insert tools into their mouth; the utensils will fall into their mouth and never get out, or they will not be able to open their mouth and breathe properly.
  4. The smell of different medicines is a routine when you visit a clinic or medical facility. This can develop fear in children who have a sensitive sense of smell. Some past bad experience with the loud sound at a dental clinic can trigger the fear of dentists in general.
  5. All children are terrified of needles and especially syringes. The parents who don’t know the latest techniques of treatments; inform their children about the conventional ways that include sedating the child with anesthesia through a syringe. But Pediatric Dentist Tulsa is one of many clinics that use the latest needless treatment methods.

Top 10 ways to help to conquer the Fear

The above mentioned are the five reasons that the child is afraid to go to the dentist. The awareness of these fears starts when the children start going to school or interact with people. The thinking of the people influences a lot the fragile mind of the child. But there are ways by which the parents and dentists can help the child conquer these fears.

Visit Pediatric Dentist Tulsa very early

As soon as the first tooth of the child begins to emerge; the parents have to take them to the child dentist. There are many advantages to this;

  1. The dentist can keep a check on the growth and development of the teeth.
  2. Inspect for any issues that are just starting to appear.
  3. Educate the parents on the ways they can take care of the teeth at home.

Choose a Child-Friendly Dental Clinic

Never make a mistake of taking your child to an adult dentist because the environment and tools are not child-friendly. The kids can get scared of them as they can appear scary to the children. It is essential that you choose a pediatric clinic because the settings are desirable to the child and staff is trained to especially handle the children.

Read Material about Dental Fears

In order to understand the fear of dentists in children; parents have to read about it. There are many psychological books and articles that are very beneficial for parents to read. You can also consult psychologists and counselors who can guide you on how to handle these children.

Let them pretend to be Dentist

Another way to assist children to conquer their fear is to let them pretend that they are dentists and use the toy tools on the parents and other siblings so that they can know that there is no harm when a dentist will treat them.

Avoid Negative Remarks

Avoid sharing bad experiences and remarks with your child. These past experiences are now extinct because the dentists use painless and needless techniques. The pediatric dentists are extra careful not to use the wrong tools.

Talk to them about it

The best way to help the fear of the child is to talk to them. Ask them about what they fear the most and they find a solution for them.

Giving Children Freedom of Choice

Let them decide for what type of anesthesia that wants to get sedated with, the tools to be used and what flavored medication they want to take after the treatment? This will give them a feeling of control.

Always ask the Dentist for Painless Treatments

The pediatric dentist always uses the painless treatments for children but there are many clinics who till are not equipped with the machinery. So first try to choose the dentist who has all the tools or otherwise requests the available one to use the painless treatment.

Praising will work

Praise the child whenever they accomplish a task or dental obstacle. Never bribe them with gifts but appreciate them for their good work.

Be with your child at all times

It is the policy of Pediatric Dentist Tulsa that either of the parents is allowed to stay with the child during the whole process. The parents must be there in the room to ensure the child that he/ she are alone and the support of their parent is with them.


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