Clip-On Dentures: Introduction, Benefits, and Maintenance

Just like all the other medical sectors, dentistry has also seen a lot of effective advancements over the years. Clip-on dentures are one of the main examples of the same. The addition of new and better ways of carrying out a dental procedure has made things easier for sure. But either the traditional or modern dental treatment, a patient needs to be aware of all of these procedures. It helps an individual make the right choice of treatment in times of need.

This is why here we will discuss Clip-on dentures and cover everything you need to know about it. A denture is a common term used in dentistry and you probably are aware of it already. But clip-on dentures might not be a familiar concept for you. It is so because it is a fairly new dental trend which is gaining immense popularity lately. As a smart patient, you should not stick to the traditional procedure and embrace the new and better options available in front of you. Although the important thing is to be aware of the treatment and whether or not is perfect for you.

Therefore, if you have a broken or missing tooth, and looking for a replacement, learn about clip-on first. Let us start from the beginning and give you all the necessary information about clip-on dentures there is.

Introduction To Clip-On Dentures

Clip-on dentures are an advancement to the conventional dentures. A person requires a denture mainly when they have a broken or missing tooth. It could occur due to external injuries or genetic health reasons. Earlier, dentists used to go for traditional dentures for such dental problems, but not anymore.

As compared to your traditional denture, the clip-on dentures are rather more comfortable and convenient. In your clip-on dentures, the locator attachment is embedded within the tissue side of the denture. This allows you to easily fix and remove the denture at will. This is the main highlight of your clip-on denture.

When you visit a Livonia dentist for a clip-in denture, the implants used in your jaw will depend on a few things. These things include your budget and dental condition.

Benefits Of Clip-On Dentures:

Find out a few of the major benefits of choosing Clip-On dentures that might convince you to go for them:

  • Stability

After getting the denture fixed, a lot of people have trouble keeping it upright at its place for conventional dentures. But this isn’t the case with clip-on dentures. clip-on dentures are highly stable as they are fixed a using dental implant. This means you can easily eat, speak, or do whatever you want with the dentures on. It prevents the frustration the patient has to go through with unstable dentures.

  • For Better Appearance

Most people avoid dentures thinking it might make them look unappealing or even weird. For such people, clip-on dentures are perfect. They are not only more natural looking but preserves the jawbone as well. clip-on dentures fit in easily in your dental structure without even getting noticed. So that you can wear it without any hesitation when out in the public.

  • Improved Chewing Ability

Some people with conventional dentures have complained about the inability to chew properly over the years. This problem is also now eliminated with the help of clip-in dentures. When you get clip-in dentures you can easily chew your food and enjoy every bite as you eat. This is important for your overall health too. The better you chew, the more nutritious value you are going to get out of the food.

  • Saves Your Money In The Long Run

Getting clip-in dentures from a quality Northville dentist once is better than having to visit your dentist again and again. When you invest in a clip-in denture one time, you don’t have to spend any more on it for a long time. But with conventional or poor denture service you seek, you might have to keep going back to your dentist and waste your time and money.

  • Easy To Take Care Of

Another great thing about clip-on dentures is that taking care of them is no hard thing. You can easily maintain them without a problem. You can take it out before bed at night, keep it inside a cup of clean water, and brush the implants in the morning and then put it on. You just have to make sure that you clean it on a regular basis so that it doesn’t get food or debris settled on it.

Maintenance Of Clip-On Dentures

If you want to keep your denture just as new throughout, make sure you rinse it every day. You can do it while brushing your teeth. This way you prevent any food or debris from settling-in and damaging the denture. Besides, when you are not wearing the denture, don’t keep it anywhere randomly. Take a cup of clean water and place the denture inside it.


In case you weren’t familiar with clip-on dentures before, you probably know quite enough about it now. The information provided above will surely make you more sure that clip-on dentures are for you or not. As far as your dental service is concerned, visit Platinum Dental Care. They are a team of experienced and skilled dentists with an extensive range of services to offer. Their services include clip-on dentures, braces, dental crowns, lumineers, and more.

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